Forest friends with Fairy Lily at Sancta Sophia College
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Step into a magical world beneath the sprawling branches of the fig tree at Sancta Sophia College. Explore hidden worlds with your guide, Fairy Lilly, and meet some playful forest friends. Discover the secrets of the fairy world, learn about plants and animals and hear how we can live in harmony with our forest friends.
Come dressed as your favourite woodland creature and join us for this enchanting adventure.
If you would like a tour of Sancta Sophia College before the show, please see session information here.
Show starts 11am
Running time: 45-60min
Additional information:
- Registration required - add to your agenda when registering
- Children must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the performance
If you have any accessibility concerns, please contact the Alumni Office in advance and we will do our best to accommodate you – alumni.office@sydney.edu.au.
Activity Type
College activities, Entertainment, Family friendly