Masterclass - Sleep at work: How sleep makes you successful
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

In today‘s high performance work environment, we all struggle with our ambitions to excel at work, be good partners and parents, meet social obligations, and stay healthy. Something has to give and this something is often sleep. Squeezing in a few hours at night to work on an overdue project or getting up extra early for a workout, we often cut down on our sleep. In this talk Professor Stefan Volk will discuss the devastating consequences sleep deprivation has for our health and well-being, social relationships, and ability to do our best work.

Find out more about more about workshop facilitator Professor Stephen Volk.

Additional information:

  • Registration required - add to your agenda when registering
  • Light morning tea will be provided


If you have any accessibility concerns, please contact the Alumni Office in advance and we will do our best to accommodate you –

Activity Type
Faculty events, Talks/workshops
Faculties and Schools
University of Sydney Business School